Finding Your Why

Jen and Sarah discuss what finding your “why” is and why (ha!) it is so important for behavioral change.  

Episode Outline/Takeaways

  • Finding your “why” may be the most important step before we initiate behavioral change or new habits.

  • Your “why” can be about your faith, family, or even a cause or purpose (the options are endless).  

  • Finding your “why” can be your motivation or anchor, or if you are more academic-minded—it can help you create your outline for making those changes! 

  • Finding your “why” can also act as a speed bump against the behaviors that are not commensurate with who we want to be in our health.

  • Is there a wrong why asks a listener?

  • Yes and no.  If your “why” is grounded in someone else’s desire for us or is a SHOULD, it probably will not be an anchor.

  • Internal vs. External motivation.  External motivation is driven by some reward or consequence.  Internal motivation is driven by our actual values and desires.  

  • Getting started on finding your “why”:

  • Ask: what matters most to me?

    1. Ask: what would happen if I made these changes/what would my life look like?

    2. Ask: what would the version of me that I most want to be do in this situation? 

Episode Links and Resources:

Gratitude Journal


Wellness Visions


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