When Life Happens

Episode Outline/Takeaways

  • Change, obstacles, and complexity are all part of life, rather than the exception

  • We are going to have to surf the waves! 

  • Actionable steps to keep us surfing rather than sinking!

  • Exercise self-compassion

    1. Give yourself grace, a hug, write down things you are doing well, journal your strengths, talk to a friend or partner about positive aspects of yourself

      1. Let your setbacks be your teacher! 

    2. Account for what you have control over

    3. Focus on what you can control

      1. Moving your body, fueling yourself, bedtime and rest, prioritizing our mindfulness practices, connecting with loved ones, listening to music! 

    4. Refocus and Revise on your Why and Wellness Vision

    5. Go for a walk, revisit it in line at the store, or chat about it with a friend or family member 

    6. Practice gratitude

    7. You cannot be anxious and grateful at the same time

    8. Revisit your SMART goals

    9. Make a goal that stretches you

      1. Make a goal that is an “easy” win for you because they build self-efficacy 

    10. Create daily rituals that help you stay present and grounded

    11. Try doing a daily gratitude practice 

    12. Make SMART goals that are rewards

    13. Ex: I am going to take 30 minutes a day to do something that makes me feel good (like hanging out with our pets)

  • Takeaways:

  • We can always learn how to surf! 

    1. It can be tempting to use short-term coping strategies!  But we want to shift our focus to what we can do to take care of ourselves long-term.

Episode Links and Resources:

John Kabat Zinn:  https://www.mindfulnesscds.com/


Pillars of Lifestyle Medicine


Putting it All Together